C&W Services Speaker Spotlight

Promotional image for MaximoWorld 2024 featuring David Auton and Ali Mohamed. The image includes a cityscape background and C&W Services branding.

C&W Services Technical Subject-Matter-Experts David Auton, Vice President of Engineering & Maintenance, and Ali Mohammed, Director of Engineering & Maintenance, were selected to speak at MaximoWorld 2024.

The purpose of the event, and of the respective sessions, was to deliver interactive learning content predicated on the implementation and adoption of AI solutions. The sessions focused heavily on predictive maintenance where concepts like technology, innovation, AI and service reliability intersect.

Ali’s session, entitled Equipment Data Collection & Condition Tools, focuses on:

• Using tools and applications to develop accurate inventory, condition assessments, and maintenance schedules

• Dashboard building to automate maintenance resource estimations and capital planning tools

• How to simplify processes to maintain an effective maintenance program

David’s session, entitled Why Simplicity Matters, focuses on:

• The 8 Golden Rules of technical workers

• Work Cycle Optimization

• The 5S Approach for Simplification

MaximoWorld 2024 was held in Phoenix, Arizona from August 5th – 8th, 2024. The focus of the 2024 conference was centered around Mastering AI for Asset Management, and took attendees on a deep dive into artificial intelligence. MaximoWorld , organized by Reliabilityweb, is described as an essential space for CMMS Platform users, managers and business leaders to collaborate.

Interested in accessing these presentations?

CLICK HERE to Access Why Simplicity Matters Presentation Deck


CLICK HERE to Access Equipment Data Collection & Condition Tools Presentation Deck