Each year, Earth Day serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving our planet for future generations. Our company invests in the planet by working together with our clients on sustainability initiatives and goals.

For Earth Day 2023, we are proud to highlight one of our Global Manufacturing accounts in New York state where our team plans an annual Community Recycling Day. This event focuses on sustainable practices while encouraging employees, contractors, and vendors to recycle responsibly – on-site and at home.

Last year, over 125,000 people attended the event and 75 volunteers helped organize the disposal of over 145,000 pounds of paint, automotive batteries, light bulbs, scrap metal, electronics, used oil and tires. In addition to Community Recycling Day, the C&W Services team oversees the client’s Zero Landfill policy, which governs how products are recycled effectively and responsibly.

Year Running
Volunteers Collected
Pounds of Recyclables From
Community Members

In addition to Community Recycling Day, the C&W Services team oversees the client’s Zero Landfill policy, which governs how products are recycled effectively and responsibly. Every effort to reduce waste and promote recycling has a positive impact on the environment by conserving natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with landfilling and incineration. The Zero Landfill program has kept 23,371,140 pounds of waste out of the landfill. In 2022, we supported our client’s initiative by recycling:

Gallons of Oil
Pounds of Iron and Steel
Pounds of Cardboard
Pounds of Plastic
Pounds of Electronic Waste
Pounds of Batteries

Outside of Earth Day, our teams work closely with our clients to identify opportunities for improvement to implement sustainable practices across their facilities. From energy-efficient lighting to waste reduction initiatives, we strive to make a positive impact on the environment while also delivering value to our clients. Let’s continue to work together towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

Reach out to our team today to learn more.