College and university leaders are continually tasked with finding solutions for facilities needs, reducing costs, improving student experiences, and building a facilities plan for years to come.
Given these constantly evolving challenges, many campuses are considering outsourcing some or all of their facilities services to trusted business partners. When is it time for your campus to evaluate outsourcing options?
C&W Services Brian Reyes, SVP of Higher Education, recently led an informative session on outsourcing at the Higher Education Facilities Forum to discuss just that. He was joined by ​​​Nicolle Taylor, Chief Business Officer at Pepperdine University, and Dave Irvin, AVC for Facilities at Florida State University. You can​​​​​​ read the full article here on the various topics they cover in their discussion.
As a resource for campus decision makers, we recently developed a white paper on Why Colleges and Universities are Considering Outsourcing Partnerships that can be downloaded here. From new talent acquisition to deferred maintenance, we cover the topics that facilities teams should be thinking about.
Who handles your facilities? Our dedicated team members are raising the value of facilities services across North America each and every day.