World Environment Day

Six Ways C&W Services is Taking Action

World Environment Day, observed on June 5th, is an important reminder about preserving our planet, raising global awareness, promoting action, and emphasizing our collective responsibility for future generations. This year’s theme is #BeatPlasticPollution, which emphasizes the urgent need to address plastic pollution and environmental impacts.

Here are six ways C&W Services is taking action:

Reduction of Packaging
The company's purchasing strategy focuses on acquiring chemical concentrates to minimize waste by reducing the volume and weight of the packaging.
Locally Sourced and Recycled Materials:
We prioritize purchasing products that are locally sourced, made with recycled materials, and contain at least 20% post-consumer content.
LEED Certification
We are proud to assist clients in obtaining LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accreditation, emphasizing sustainable practices, including waste management and reduction strategies, contributing to the fight against plastic pollution.
Energy and Water Conservation
By pursuing energy and water conservation measures, we are helping our clients reduce the environmental impacts associated with plastic production and disposal.
Reduction of Packaging
The company's purchasing strategy focuses on acquiring chemical concentrates to minimize waste by reducing the volume and weight of the packaging.
Locally Sourced and Recycled Materials:
We prioritize purchasing products that are locally sourced, made with recycled materials, and contain at least 20% post-consumer content.
LEED Certification
We are proud to assist clients in obtaining LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accreditation, emphasizing sustainable practices, including waste management and reduction strategies, contributing to the fight against plastic pollution.
Energy and Water Conservation
By pursuing energy and water conservation measures, we are helping our clients reduce the environmental impacts associated with plastic production and disposal.

Every day our teams are making a positive impact in support of our environment. Through our green cleaning program, our organization is taking meaningful steps to preserve our planet now and in the future. This World Environment Day, we’re proud to highlight the impact we’re making.

To learn more about how our green cleaning program can make an impact at your location, please reach out to Mary Sweet, Vice President of Service Excellence, Janitorial: