FacilitiesNet Feature: 8 Tips for Better Maintenance Management Operations

2024-03-20T09:47:23-05:00November 4th, 2022|Company News, Strive for Better|

Earlier this month, David Auton, Senior Director of Engineering and Maintenance, was featured on FacilitiesNet, highlighting his recent presentation from IFMA's World Workplace. The article summarizes key talking points and takeaways from David's presentation, while also identifying the eight golden rules explained in David's white paper.

South Carolina State University honors the C&W Services facilities crew

2024-03-20T09:40:16-05:00September 6th, 2022|Company News, Inspire, One Team, Our People, Service Mindset|

We are thrilled to shine a spotlight on our team at South Carolina State University and recognize their tremendous efforts to relocate the spring commencement to a last-minute location due to unexpected weather conditions.

Four Stages of Reliability Centered Maintenance to Reduce Operational Risk

2024-03-20T09:48:22-05:00August 2nd, 2022|Company News, Expert Advice, Strive for Better|

In today’s environment, a corporate-level maintenance strategy is a critical component of reducing operational risks. RCM (Reliability Centered Maintenance) is a method of determining the appropriate maintenance strategy for a company’s facilities assets.

The Quiet Heroes of Dover High School

2024-03-20T09:40:55-05:00July 21st, 2022|Company News, Elevate, One Team, Our People|

Our client, the Dover School District in New Hampshire, recognized the C&W Services facilities team at Dover High School with a dedication page in the 2022 yearbook. As our Dover High School facilities teams gear up for another school year, we wanted to say thank you and congratulations on a wonderful recognition!

Supporting the Social Mobility Symposium at California State University San Marcos

2024-03-20T09:36:58-05:00July 14th, 2022|Company News, Demonstrate Grit|

A bicoastal collaboration with Old Dominion University and California State University San Marcos, C&W Services sponsored and attended this important two-day event focused on sharing innovative ideas and finding new ways to create social mobility for students in their communities.

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